Sunday 3 January 2016

7 Things You Should Know About Caffeine

Coffee/tea is one of the most consumed liquid in our diets aside from water. Caffeine has a huge role in our daily diet and we are probably consuming it a lot more than we want to believe.

In a regular household 3 or more people consume caffeine in their daily intake. You might even know someone that is caffeine addict in denial. So, what is caffeine? Besides being in coffee and sodas or a great energy booster, what else do you know about it? Well, here are some trivia and facts about are favorite addicting and keep me up at night caffeine.

A little Statistic Trivia

  • Most Adults consume 200 milligrams of caffeine a day or two and five ounces of coffee daily.
  • 80 percent of the United States consume caffeine daily.
  • People prefer coffee over Sex.
  • Starbucks and other coffee shops are found all over the World.

Enhance athletic performance

A study was done on subjects that drank or had caffeine in their system and subjects who didn’t. They were asked to do High Intensity workouts and it shows that people who had caffeine in their system had increased reaction time and alertness from those subjects who didn’t. Subjects who had caffeine in their system had decreased efforts with the same intensity workout than the subject who didn’t.

Caffeine isn’t Dehydrating

Caffeine is a diuretic, but since most caffeine is consumed in liquid form it most likely hydrates. Drinking coffee won’t dehydrate you but drinking caffeinated drinks alone will. Drink caffiented beverages in moderation and do not skip drinking water.

Caffeine can be found in solids

Other than coffee and tea you can find caffeine in other solids like Chocolate. Caffeine is also added to food or medication. Medicines like Midol contain caffeine. People who supper from hypertension or heart problems should avoid pain medications that contain caffeine and consult with their doctor. Caffeine has an instant Effect

Caffeine has an insanely fast reaction to your body. You’ll feel the effects of caffeine immediately, the peak of the effects will peak 30 to go minutes after intake. You’ll feel more alert and more energized quickly, unlike other energy boosting foods. Caffeine has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier. It’s pretty much like adrenaline that you don’t have to inject on the vein.

Great for the Memory

Caffeine has been linked to memory and according to recent studies, caffeine has a positive effect on short and long term memory. 300 milligrams of caffeine a day can help protect for Neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimers. Enough sleep is also important to preventing Alzheimers, so avoid drinking too much coffee.

Caffeine Content varies in Coffee

A study was done by the Journal of Analytical Toxicology regarding the caffeine content of some of our favorite coffee chains. Starbucks had a significantly higher amount of caffeine in their coffee from Dunkin Donuts. According to the study the degree of caffeine changes depending on the day you order it too. I can change from 90 to 224 milligrams per serving.

Espresso has less Caffeine than Coffee

It’s believed that Espresso has a higher caffeine content than coffee, but a single shot of espresso only contains 40 to 70 milligrams of caffeine, which is significantly lower than regular coffee. If you are sensitive to caffeine opting for espresso based drinks like cappuccino. If you want to kick the caffeine content of your coffee at a shot of espresso to your regular coffee.

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