Friday 27 February 2015

Kelebihan Membaca Surah Al-Kahfi Di Hari Jumaat

Kelebihan Membaca Surah Al-Kahfi Di Hari Jumaat | Al-Quran adalah kitab suci umat islam yang memiliki kelebihan dari seluruh kitab-kitab yang lain sebelumnya, membaca Al-Quran diniliai suatu ibadah yang besar walaupun orang tersebut tidak memahaminya, diantara surah-surah yang memiliki kelebihan dan keistimewaan dalam membacanya adalah surah Al-Kahfi, demikian juga surah Al-Kahfi memiliki kelebihan dan keistimewaan jika dibaca pada hari Jumaat.

Surah Al-Kahfi adalah surah Al-Makkiyah yang memiliki seratus sepuluh ayat, begitu banyak hadits-hadits yang telah menceritakan kelebihan surah ini, sebahagian hadits yang datang dari Rasulullah SAW adalah apa yang telah diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari didalam kitab Shahihnya :

Wednesday 25 February 2015


Power-hungry King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) and his ruthless army march across Greece, leaving burned-out villages and the corpses of the innocent in their wake. Hyperion's goal is to find the long-lost Bow of Epirus; with this invincible weapon, he can cast the gods out of Mount Olympus and become master of the world. A stonemason named Theseus (Henry Cavill) heeds the words of the sibylline oracle (Freida Pinto), who convinces him that he is the key to stopping the bloodthirsty king.

Initial release: November 10, 2011 (Croatia)
Director: Tarsem Singh
Budget: 115 million USD
Costume design: Eiko Ishioka
Screenplay: Vlas Parlapanides, Charley Parlapanides

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Well-to-do book editor Carly Norris (Sharon Stone) moves into a luxury apartment building before learning that a number of female tenants have been dying in grisly ways, allegedly at the hands of a serial killer. Soon, Norris becomes romantically involved with one of the prime suspects, building owner Zeke Hawkins (William Baldwin). The other suspect is her neighbor, writer Jack Landsford (Tom Berenger). Unsure of whom to trust, Norris must uncover the truth before she is the next victim.

Initial release: May 21, 1993
Director: Phillip Noyce
Screenplay: Joe Eszterhas
Music composed by: Howard Shore
Initial DVD release: March 28, 2006

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!

Monday 23 February 2015

She Shoots Straight

Hong Kong police officer Mina Kao (Joyce Mina Godenzi) marries Huang Tsung-Pao (Tony Leung Ka Fai), who is a member of a law enforcement dynasty. His father (Sammo Hung) and his many sisters are also officers, and the eldest sister Chia-Ling (Carina Lau) is one of the highest ranking women in the police department. When a Vietnamese gang begins a rampage through the city, the women must overcome their suspicion of one another to bring the criminals to justice.

Initial release: April 7, 1990
Director: Corey Yuen
Running time: 94 minutes
Initial DVD release: April 20, 2004
Genres: Martial Arts Film, Chinese Movies, World cinema, Action/Adventure, Crime Thriller, Action Film

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Sunday 22 February 2015

Petua Panjangkan Zakar / Penis / Kote

Memiliki zakar yang besar dan panjang adalah idaman setiap lelaki. Selain merasakan diri GAH, ia juga mampu memuaskan isteri ketika berjimak. Sedikit petua yang boleh diamalkan untuk setiap lelaki yang ingin memanjangkan zakar.

  • Ketika zakar masih dalam keaadan lembik, kepala zakar dipegang dan ditarik ke bawah antara kedua belah kaki. 
  • Di mana tarik pula ke sebelah kiri dan kemudian tahan hampir 5 minit. 
  • Buat 3 kali sehari (biasanya semasa mandi waktu pagi, tengahari dan petang) nescaya dapat menambah saiz zakar, memanjangkan zakar serta mengeraskan lagi zakar.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

In 19th century Qing Dynasty China, a warrior (Chow Yun-Fat) gives his sword, Green Destiny, to his lover (Michelle Yeoh) to deliver to safe keeping, but it is stolen, and the chase is on to find it. The search leads to the House of Yu where the story takes on a whole different level.

Initial release: July 6, 2000 (Hong Kong)
Director: Ang Lee
Sequel: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon II: The Green Destiny
Cinematography: Peter Pau
Awards: Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Saturday 21 February 2015

10 Petua Mudah Tidur Malam, Malah Lebih Lena & Nyenyak

Menurut David Simon, Pengarah The Chopra Center di Carlsbad, California, Amerika Syarikat mengatakan tidur yang nyenyak adalah dasar yang kuat untuk kesihatan mental dan fizik. Ini kerana, sel-sel dalam tubuh memerlukan istirehat yang mencukupi. beberapa fakta yang boleh membantu meningkatkan kualiti tidur anda:


Rasa mengantuk seperti gelombang yang datang setiap 60-90 minit sekali dan teknik ini dikenali sebagai ultradian rhythm. Menurut Dr David Morawetz, pakar gangguan tidur dari Melbourne mengatakan menangguhkan waktu tidur kerana ingin membaca buku hingga ke satu bab akan mebuatkan mata anda tidak mengantuk lagi kerana anda sudah melewatkan gelombang tidur itu.

Tidur umpama anda ‘berlayar’. Tangkap gelombang ketika anda mengantuk, jika anda kehilangan momen itu, anda harus menunggu sehingga gelombang mengantuk datang pada masa 60-90 minit lagi.
Pada waktu gelombang tiba, tetapkan posisi tempat tidur kerana gelombang itu hanya bertahan selama 5-7 minit sahaja. Apabila rasa mengantuk datang, tinggalkan segala aktiviti yang anda lakukan dan tidurlah.

Ma'rifat Cinta

Arumi adalah gadis cantik, sederhana dan lembut. Namun ambisi untuk meraih cintanya, membuat kelembutannya bias menjadi gadis berwatak keras kepala. Lukman adalah laki laki yang sangat dikaguminya sejak masa Ospek berlangsung, namun ketika cinta Arumi mulai bersemi, Lukman menikah dengan Jean, kekasih yang sudah lama dipacarinya.

3 Tahun berselang, Arumi dipertemukan kembali dengan Lukman di kampus tempat mereka dulu sama-sama mengemban ilmu. Lukman menjadi dosen, dan Arumi aktif membantu semua kegiatan kampus. Kehadiran Lukman membuat Arumi semakin yakin bahwa dia akan mendapatkan Lukman, meskipun harus menerobos takdir.

Film Director : Fernes Feriana
Producer Fa :iz Wiraputra 
Teddy Sudiono
Player : Gem Diamonds 
Waqid Shebly 
Ryan Princess 
Olivia Zalianty 
Misye Arsita 
Tetty Liz Indriati 
Aldo Bamar

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Friday 20 February 2015

Tanda Wanita / Isteri Anda Gersang !

Wanita terangsang. Lalu apa saja tanda-tanda yang muncul ketika tubuh perempuan sedang terangsang?

Beberapa wanita kadang memiliki titik rangsangan yang berbeza-beza, namun sebahagian besar wanita mudah teransang ketika diberikan rangsangan seksual dan hanya sedikit orang yang sulit terangsang.

Dr Andri Wanananda, MS dalam tulisannya menuturkan ada 2 perubahan yang terjadi pada perempuan ketika sedang terangsang, iaitu perubahan di organ genital serta di tubuhnya.

Perubahan yang terjadi pada organ genital:


John Form (Ward Horton) thinks he's found the perfect gift for his expectant wife, Mia (Annabelle Wallis) : a vintage doll in a beautiful white dress. However, the couple's delight doesn't last long: One terrible night, devil worshippers invade their home and launch a violent attack against the couple. When the cultists try to summon a demon, they smear a bloody rune on the nursery wall and drip blood on Mia's doll, thereby turning the former object of beauty into a conduit for ultimate evil.

Initial release: September 29, 2014 (Hollywood)
Director: John R. Leonetti
Running time: 99 minutes
Sequel: The Conjuring
Music composed by: Joseph Bishara

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Thursday 19 February 2015

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t move — here’s why

What is “sleep paralysis?”

Every few months, I have a terrifying experience in the middle of the night.

I wake up but can’t move, except for my eyes, which dart frantically underneath fluttering, heavy lids. I also feel a heavy presence on top of my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs and throat. Then, a shadowy, cloaked figure starts looming just within the corners of vision.

I’m not dreaming. And no matter how many times it happens, the panic sets in. As a kid, I thought the devil had paid a visit to my bedroom.

Now I know these symptom stem from a strange sleep phenomenon called “sleep paralysis.” While various social and psychological factors can influence the prevalence of sleep paralysis, a 2011 paper combined 35 studies with more than 36,000 participants total. The authors found that 7.6% of the general population experiences sleep paralysis, rising to 28.3% in high risk groups, like students who have a disrupted sleep pattern. And in people with mental disorders, like anxiety and depression, 31.9% experienced episodes.

Rise of the Legend

Rise of the Legend is a 2014 Hong Kong-Chinese kung-fu action film directed by Roy Chow and written by To Chi-long. The film stars Sammo Hung, Peng Yuyan, Wang Luodan, Jing Boran, Zhang Jin and Wong Cho-lam

Initial release: November 21, 2014
Director: Chow Hin Yeung Roy
Language: Standard Mandarin
Music composed by: Shigeru Umebayashi
Genres: Drama, Action Film

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Wednesday 18 February 2015

John Wick

Legendary assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves) retired from his violent career after marrying the love of his life. Her sudden death leaves John in deep mourning. When sadistic mobster Iosef Tarasov (Alfie Allen) and his thugs steal John's prized car and kill the puppy that was a last gift from his wife, John unleashes the remorseless killing machine within and seeks vengeance. Meanwhile, Iosef's father (Michael Nyqvist) -- John's former colleague -- puts a huge bounty on John's head.

Initial release: October 13, 2014 (New York City)
Directors: David Leitch, Chad Stahelski
Running time: 101 minutes
Music composed by: Tyler Bates
Producers: David Leitch, Mike Witherill, Basil Iwanyk, Eva Longoria,Chad Stahelski

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Ereksi, Mengapa Lelaki Boleh Gagal?

Ada banyak sebab TAPI yang jelas itu adalah petanda tidak sihat. Ereksi atau ketegangan pada alat sulit khususnya lelaki berlaku jika darah memasuki ruang kemaluan itu dengan mencukupi.

Ini bermakna saluran darah mestilah tidak terganggu atau tersumbat. Alat sulit akan membesar dan menegang apabila sepasang tisu korpus kavernosum pada alat kelamin itu terisi dengan darah.

Tahukah anda, pembentukan plak dan lemak akibat pertambahan kolesterol di dalam badan mampu menyekat saluran darah. Oleh kerana saluran darah zakar lebih kecil berbanding pada bahagian lain tubuh, tanda awal kepada masalah kesihatan kardiovaskular ditunjukkan oleh tahap ereksi.

The Case For Reparations For Justin Bieber's Dick

EXCLUSIVE PICTURES: Justin Bieber goes for naked swim while vacationing with model Jayde Pierce in Bora Bora..

More Pics below....


The Raid 2

After surviving a bloody fight with powerful gangsters, rookie Jakarta cop Rama (Iko Uwais) thinks he can resume a normal life. However, his exploits during that fateful incident have attracted the attention of criminals even more deadly than the last. His family at risk, Rama has no choice but to go under cover. He gets himself thrown in prison, where he befriends the son of a prominent crime kingpin. Rama must lay his own life on the line to finally destroy the criminal empire.

Initial release: March 27, 2014 
Director: Gareth Evans
Running time: 150 minutes
Initial DVD release: July 8, 2014 
Languages: Arabic, Japanese, Indonesian, English

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!!

Monday 16 February 2015

Final Fantasy | The Spirits Within

Blurring the lines between reality and computer animation, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is the first feature-length motion picture that brings vivid photoRealism to computer-generated, human characters. The thrilling, futuristic action-adventure pits the earth and its people against the ultimate enemy - mysterious aliens that steal the energy from all living things on the planet.

Initial release: July 2, 2001 (USA)
Directors: Hironobu Sakaguchi, Motonori Sakakibara
Sequel: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Budget: 137 million USD
Music composed by: Elliot Goldenthal

Click the picture to watch the Movie

Sunday 15 February 2015

Perut Boroi Juga Penyebab Zakar Tidak Tegang!

Mengikut kajian oleh Dr Eric Meulemam, pakar Amsterdam’s VU University, ada dua penyebab kenapa lemak yang banyak di sekitar perut lelaki atau boroi boleh merencat ketegangan pada zakar.

1. Megengurangkan hormon Testosteron

Lemak di perut menghasilkan enzim yang menyempitkan saluran darah dan mengurangkan aliran darah ke zakar, kata Dr Meuleman – dan itulah apa yang anda perlukan untuk mendapatkan ereksi.

Enzim yang sama juga menukarkan hormon sexsual lelaki testosteron tersebut kepada hormon sexsual wanita iaitu estrogen.

Testosteron memberi rangsangan sex dan lelaki amat memerlukannya untuk mendapat dan mengekalkan ereksi semasa melalukan hubungan intim.


Well-to-do book editor Carly Norris (Sharon Stone) moves into a luxury apartment building before learning that a number of female tenants have been dying in grisly ways, allegedly at the hands of a serial killer. Soon, Norris becomes romantically involved with one of the prime suspects, building owner Zeke Hawkins (William Baldwin). The other suspect is her neighbor, writer Jack Landsford (Tom Berenger). Unsure of whom to trust, Norris must uncover the truth before she is the next victim.

Initial release: May 21, 1993
Director: Phillip Noyce
Screenplay: Joe Eszterhas
Music composed by: Howard Shore
Initial DVD release: March 28, 2006

Click the picture to watch the Movie!!

Saturday 14 February 2015

Cara Mandi Hadas Yang Sempurna Dan Mudah

Soalan; macam mana mandi hadas besar dgn betul, mudah dan mengikut sunnah nabi. blhkah kita menyentuh kemaluan ketika mandi atau itu boleh membatalkan mandi kita tadi? Saya was-was dal hal ini.


Kaifiyat mandi hadas yang sempurna dan mudah diamalkan ialah dengan mengikut cara mandi Nabi s.a.w., antaranya yang diceritakan oleh Saidatina ‘Aisyah r.a sebagaimana berikut;

“Adalah Rasulullah s.a.w. apabila baginda mandi janabah, baginda mula dengan membasuh dua tangannya. Kemudian baginda menuangkan air ke tangan kirinya dengan menggunakan tangan kanannya, lalu (dengan tangan kiri itu) baginda membasuh kemaluannya. Kemudian baginda mengambil wudhuk sebagaimana wudhuk untuk mengerjakan solat. Kemudian baginda mengambil air, lalu memasukkan jari-jarinya ke akar rambutnya hingga apabila melihat air telah membasahi seluruh (kulit kepala dan akar-akar rambutnya), baginda mencebuk air (dan menjirus) ke kepalanya sebanyak tiga cebukan. Kemudian baginda menyiram air ke seluruh badannya. Kemudian baginda membasuh kedua kakinya” (HR Imam Muslim).

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

Elite Manhattan drag queens Vida Boheme (Patrick Swayze) and Noxeema Jackson (Wesley Snipes) impress regional judges in competition, securing berths in the Nationals in Los Angeles. When the two meet pathetic drag novice Chi-Chi Rodriguez (John Leguizamo) -- one of the losers that evening -- the charmed Vida and Noxeema agree to take the hopeless youngster under their joined wing. Soon the three set off on a madcap road trip across America and struggle to make it to Los Angeles in time.

Initial release: September 8, 1995 (USA)
Director: Beeban Kidron
Cinematography: Steve Mason
Music composed by: Rachel Portman
Initial DVD release: January 7, 2003

Click the picture to watch the Movie

Friday 13 February 2015

Petua Penjagaan Dan Urut Zakar

5 Rahsia Kegagahan Lelaki

RAHSIA 1 : Sentiasa Berstamina

SUAMI PERKASA perlu sentiasa berstamina dan bersedia pada bila-bila masa untuk memberi layanan yang A+ kepada isterinya. Tiada maknanya jika anda mempunyai nafsu seks yang membuak-buak tetapi selalu sakit-sakit dan terlantar di katil tidak berdaya. Menjadi seorang suami, anda bukan hanya sekadar menyediakan keperluan material semata-mata tetapi juga mampu memberi nafkah batin dengan sewajarnya.

Sebenarnya anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan satu sen pun untuk memiliki tubuh badan yang sihat. Cuma amalkan senaman ringkas 10 minit sehari selepas bangun tidur dan semasa hendak tidur. Jika anda mengamalkan teknik ini, dijamin anda akan sentiasa berstamina sepanjang hari dan yang paling penting anda akan mengaum bagaikan harimau di ranjang ketika bersama isteri.

Monday 9 February 2015

The Equalizer

Robert McCall (Denzel Washington), a man of mysterious origin who believes he has put the past behind him, dedicates himself to creating a quiet new life. However, when he meets Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), a teenager who has been manhandled by violent Russian mobsters, he simply cannot walk away. With his set of formidable skills, McCall comes out of self-imposed retirement and emerges as an avenging angel, ready to take down anyone who brutalizes the helpless.

Initial release: September 22, 2014 
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Running time: 131 minutes
Initial DVD release: December 30, 2014

Sunday 8 February 2015

Rigor Mortis

A public housing tenement is plunged into a dark storm of supernatural chaos.

Director: Juno Mak
Writers: Lai-yin Leung (script), Philip Yung (script)
Stars: Anthony Chan, Siu-Ho Chin, Fat Chung 

Click the picture to watch the Movie!

Grammy Awards 2015 : The Complete Winners List

While Sam Smith and Beck dominated the 57th annual Grammy Awards, they were hardly the only winners Sunday night. From Pearl Jam's Jeff Ament (and Eddie Vedder, using his pseudonym "Jerome Turner") scoring Best Recording Package to Beyoncé taking home Best Surround Sound Album, here is the full rundown of all the Grammy winners.

Record of the Year 
Sam Smith – "Stay With Me (Darkchild Version)" 
Steve Fitzmaurice, Rodney Jerkins & Jimmy Napes, producers; Steve Fitzmaurice, Jimmy Napes & Steve Price, engineers/mixers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer Label: Capitol Records; Publishers: Sony/ATV Songs LLC obo Naughty Worlds Ltd./Universal-Polygram Int. Tunes, Inc. obo Salli Isaak Songs, Ltd./Universal Polygram Int. Tunes, Inc. obo Method Paperwork

Saturday 7 February 2015

Ender's Game

When hostile aliens called the Formics attack Earth, only the legendary heroics of Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley) manage to attain a victory. To prepare for the next attack, Col. Hyrum Graff (Harrison Ford) and his cohorts initiate a military program to find the next Mazer. Recruit Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield) exhibits an unusual gift for the training, easily mastering all of the challenges thrown at him. Mazer Rackham, himself, takes Ender as a protege to prepare him for the oncoming war.

Initial release: October 25, 2013 (United Kingdom)
Published: 2013
Director: Gavin Hood
Running time: 114 minutes
Adapted from: Ender's Game

Click the picture to watch the Movie!

Friday 6 February 2015

My Bromance

This is a Thai film for teens, about the love of two schoolboys, Golf and Bank. Golf is an aggressive boy and Bank is gentle, considerate and sweet-natured.

Movie : My Bromance
Thai : พี่ชาย (Pee Chai)
Director : Nitchapoom Chaianun
Release Date : February 20, 2014 (Thailand)
Runtime : 118 min.
Genre : Drama
Language : Thai
Country : Thailand
Cast : Pongsatorn Sripinta - Bank
       Theerapat Lohanunth - Golf
       Worakamol Nokkaew
       Wittawat Taowkamlue

Click the picture to watch the Movie!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Dorm ( Thai Horror Movie )

Ton (Chalee Trairat) is a young Thai boy sent by his father (Suttipong Tudpitakkul) to a boarding school to get a more regimented education. Once there, his fellow schoolmates tease him with scary ghost stories about a young boy who drowned in the swimming pool, and a girl who committed suicide. Ton finds it hard to concentrate in school because of his new classmates, but soon he befriends Vichien (Siranath Jianthavorn) -- only to learn that his new friend is the boy who drowned.

Initial release: February 2, 2006 (Thailand)
Director: Songyos Sugmakanan
Running time: 111 minutes
Music composed by: Chumpol Sepswadi
Screenplay: Chonlada Tiaosuwan, Vanridee Pongsittisak, Songyos Sugmakanan

Click the picture to watch the movie

Do the Grammys Have a Race Problem?

No black artists are nominated for Best New Artist or Record of the Year, but Iggy Azalea gets props in both

Iggy Azalea is one of the five all-white nominees for Best New Artist this year.

White people rejoice! You've managed to cold-jack yet another awards season, and in February no less. The Oscars will be whiter than they've been since 1998, and this year the Grammy Awards promise to be a throwback to that time when Shirley Temple got down in blackface — dumb-stoopid-affected accents and all.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Rise Of The Guardians

Generation after generation, immortal Guardians like Santa Claus (Alec Baldwin), the Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman) and the Tooth Fairy (Isla Fisher) protect the world's children from darkness and despair. However, an evil boogeyman named Pitch Black (Jude Law) schemes to overthrow the Guardians by obliterating children's belief in them. It falls to a winter sprite named Jack Frost (Chris Pine) to thwart Pitch's plans and save the Guardians from destruction.

Initial release: November 21, 2012 (USA)
Director: Peter Ramsey
Featured song: Still Dream
Screenplay: David Lindsay-Abaire
Initial DVD release: March 12, 2013 (USA)

Click the picture to watch the Movie!

SevenSoul | Bersamamu

Artis : SevenSoul 
Title : Bersamamu

Tak Pernah Padam | Sandhy Sondoro

Artis : Sandhy Sondoro
Song : Tak Pernah Padam