Saturday 26 July 2014

Building A Safety Net With A Child Life Insurance Plan [Infographic]

Parenting has never been an easy task. It is a calling for greater commitment and responsibility along with unconditional love. Parents often strive hard to provide their child with sufficient physical, emotional and financial needs while guarding them against dangers. Parents also seek to ensure that their child is financially independent and protected even when they are no longer around.

With an increasing pollutant environment and stressful sedentary fast-paced lifestyle, children nowadays are exposed to various juvenile diseases. This affects not only them but puts the family’s finances in jeopardy when catering for the treatment of such diseases. Medical treatments are not cheap, so much so that diseases are for the rich. Many parents have exhausted their life time savings or become heavily indebted in their bid to provide the best medical care for their ill child.

A-Life SuperJunior provides parents with the solution to their worries as this child life insurance plan protects and provides financially in the event their child becomes ill. It protects both the parents and child as it covers the treatment expenses and act as a replacement income for the parents if they will need to leave their job to be by their child at home or the hospital during the treatment period. Nothing beats a parent’s old-fashioned tender loving care for speedy recovery.

If you think diseases and sickness only happen to one in a million child, think again. Understand how juvenile diseases could easily affect your children and how as parents you can protect your kids and yourself financially when such unforeseen circumstances or emergencies arise.

A-Life SuperJunior does not only provide them with the financial coverage benefits, but the peace of mind of concentrating on the recovery of their sick child rather than worrying about the mounting medical bills. And if everything is smooth-sailing, your child will be able to cash out on their sum insured when the policy reaches maturity.

While any parents dread the thought of something happening to their child, preparing financial protection for their child before disaster strikes is necessary.

At the end of the day, a healthy kid is a happy kid!

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