Tuesday 31 December 2013

Sarang Gay Paling Aktif Dan Terkenal Di Malaysia

Gay Melayu

19 PORT DAN SARANG GAY PALING TERKENAL DI MALAYSIA berdasarkan carian daripada beberapa sumber di internet. Berikut adalah Port atau Sarang Gay Paling Terkenal di Malaysia.

Monday 30 December 2013


VIDEO PERGADUHAN PELAJAR PEREMPUAN DENGAN PELAJAR LELAKI | Korang lihat bagaimana gadis sekolah tu bantai pelajar lelaki tu. Nampak macam setanding kekuatan diorang. Pelajar perempuan tu pulak, siap angkat tong sampah nak hempuk pelajar lelaki tu. Makin ganas dah perempuan skang ni. 

Saturday 28 December 2013


Peranan buah dada memang banyak, bukan sekadar menggoda nafsu lelaki saja, tapi buah dada sebagai bukti kalau gadis itu pernah disentuh atau tidak. Buah dada gadis yang belum pernah kena sentuh, senantiasa tegang. Tetapi kalau sudah kena sentuhan, buah dada itu tegangnya berkurang dan membesar sedikit dari pada ukuran asalnya, lebih kerap disentuh, lebih kendur.

Perhatikan gadis disaat berjalan atau berlari, bergerak-gerak dan melambai jatuh (ke bawah) dan berbuai sekali bererti ketegangan sudah hilang.

Sunday 22 December 2013

The Semiotic Deception of September 11th

Replete with esoteric symbols, conspiracy research certainly warrants semiotic examination. Although fraught with historical flaws and theological distortions,The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown acknowledges the value of semiotics in studying the conspiratorial world. In fact, the novel’s central character is a semiotician specializing in symbology. Evidently, Brown recognized the potential of semiotics in analyzing the coded messages of cabals occupying history’s darker corners. September 11th is one such corner that is worth semiotic analysis.

Lawan hawa nafsu adalah permulaan ibadah

Selagi hawa nafsu tidak ditundukkan, selagi itulah hawa nafsu itu akanmenundukkan kita dan menyuruh kita melakukan maksiat dan kejahatan serta lalai dari mengingati Allah S.w.t.

"Dan tiadalah aku berani membersihkan diriku; sesungguhnya nafsu manusia itu sangat menyuruh melakukan kejahatan, kecuali orang-orang yang telah diberi rahmat oleh Tuhanku (maka terselamatlah dia dari hasutan nafsu itu). Sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani." [Surah Yusuf : 53]

Diriwayatkan dari Jabir r.a bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w telah mengatakan, “Hal yang paling kutakutkan pada umatku adalah menurut hawa nafsu dan panjang harapan [terhadap dunia]. Menurut kehendak hawa nafsu memalingkan manusia dari Tuhan, dan harapan yang berpanjangan [terhadap dunia] membuat orang lupa kepada akhirat.” Kerana itu, ketahuilah bahawa melawan hawa nafsu adalah awal ibadah." [Kitab Risalah Al-Qusyairiyah, Bab 13 - Imam Al-Qusyairi]

Saturday 21 December 2013

The Hidden Face of Terrorism

The following is an edited extract from The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side of Social Engineering, From Antiquity to September 11, by Paul David Collins.
n our modern world, discomforting truths are usually discarded in favour of fictions. One such fiction is the idea that terrorists are disenfranchised dissidents who independently generate the wealth and resources necessary for their heinous acts. Such is the contention of Professor Mark Juergensmeyer. In his article, “Understanding the New Terrorism”, he says that modern terrorism “appears pointless since it does not lead directly to any strategic goal” (p. 158).

How the CIA created Osama bin Laden

This article first appeared in Green Left Weekly, Australia’s leading leftwing newspaper. Posted with permission of the author.

“Throughout the world … its agents, client states and satellites are on the defensive — on the moral defensive, the intellectual defensive, and the political and economic defensive. Freedom movements arise and assert themselves. They’re doing so on almost every continent populated by man — in the hills of Afghanistan, in Angola, in Kampuchea, in Central America … [They are] freedom fighters.”

Tuesday 10 December 2013


Golongan gay bukan seperti mak nyah atau pondan yang mudah dikenali berdasarkan bentuk fizikal. Mereka mempunyai penampilan lelaki normal, namun kecenderungan seksual songsang.

Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) bertindak agresif membendung gejala homoseksual atau gay di kalangan lelaki Melayu termasuk golongan eksekutif diyakini berjumlah puluhan ribu orang.

Malah, pegawai Jakim turun padang mengadakan pertemuan tertutup dengan beberapa persatuan gay baru-baru ini selain melakukan tugas dakwah di pusat hiburan yang menjadi sarang kumpulan seks songsang ini.

Monday 9 December 2013

Can Your Credit Report Affect Your Loan?

The importance of a maintaining a healthy credit score often eludes young professionals who have just joined the workforce – an importance they will come to realise the hard way when their application for a personal, car or home loan are rejected.

For those who have been rejected by financial institutions when applying for a loan, the reason is most likely a poor credit rating or score. 

Friday 6 December 2013

How To Wear Burgundy


The seasonal change from summer to autumn generally heralds a more sombre approach to style and, particularly, colour. Bright and pastel shades are pushed to the back of the wardrobe as we make room for a flood of neutral tones and rich, muted hues. 

We’ve already identified camel, emerald green and orange as key colours for AW13, so today burgundy gets the FashionBeans treatment. 

The colour, one of Matt Allinson’s top picks for the season, has become a menswear stalwart over recent years – cementing itself as a year-round staple. With this in mind, we’re taking an in-depth look at both classic and on trend ways you can begin to integrate this versatile hue into your wardrobe this year…